Technical staff at the enterprise. Engineering and technical worker (ITR): requirements for the candidate. How is the rationing and payment for the work of engineering and technical personnel

What is a technical staff (ITR)? Most people, as a rule, have no idea about this. For example, ITR stands for engineering and technical worker. This definition is taken from the Concise Dictionary of Economics. This category includes people who are responsible for coordinating and managing work processes in the enterprise.

In order for a person to be classified as an engineer, he must hold the appropriate post. There are requirements for such people in the specialization in which they studied. Of course, it is not necessary to graduate from a university, a technical institution is also suitable, but a specialty means a lot. A person who was previously an intern at the enterprise can become an engineering and technical worker.

Who are engineering workers?

In fact, engineering and technical workers is a generalized concept, often used simply in conversation. There is no such position in the documents. According to the handbook of qualification of works and professions, such a concept includes the categories of such employees:

  • management team;
  • specialists;
  • technical performers who are simple employees.

Also, the classification is carried out according to such a document as the Unified nomenclature of positions of employees (UNDS). Here the division was made on the basis of the specifics of the activity performed. According to such a document, each of the above groups also has its own subcategories. Therefore, according to UNDS, the staff is divided into.

Leadership team. This group includes workers who can be called managers of the enterprise. This category also includes leadership positions in services and divisions. According to the Unified Nomenclature, even deputies are leaders. Specialists. Here there is a broader division, which is based on the work performed by a person. The nomenclature implies gradation as follows:

  • specialists who are engaged in agricultural work, reforestation duties, belong to the zootechnical and fish farming areas;
  • specialists involved in the engineering, technical and economic fields;
  • people who are involved in establishing international relations;
  • workers in the field of public education;
  • specialists in culture, science and art;
  • medical workers;
  • legal professionals.

As is clear from the above categories, the classification is quite broad. Therefore, it includes in its list not only employees economic sphere but also those involved in engineering and technical work. Technical workers. This category includes performers involved in accounting and control, preparation and execution of official and other documentation, as well as those whose duties include economic services.

Since progress does not stand still, changes are made to some concepts. In particular, the technical worker in modern society has been transformed into administrative and technical personnel. Therefore, to call such workers by the old name is now incorrect.

Such moments should be known not only personnel workers, as they fill out the relevant documents, but also the leaders themselves. In addition, it would be useful to get acquainted with the specifics of terminology and ordinary people who are looking for work. After all, often when they get acquainted with potential vacancies, for example, on employment sites, many things remain incomprehensible to them. And, seeing this or that vacancy, they cannot objectively assess their strengths and their education.

What do engineering workers do?

Modern young people believe that technical professions are not as prestigious as, for example, the specialty of a web designer or photographer. Of course, there is some truth in this, but this does not mean that such people earn little. Of course they functional responsibilities very different from human tasks. creative professions, but nevertheless, the staff is always and everywhere in demand, unlike the same designer.

Depending on the field of activity in which a person with such qualifications is engaged, he will have to perform the following work:

  • engage in the creation and introduction of new processes and regimes;
  • ensure the order of work and control the sequence of execution of assigned operations;
  • determine how to control the quality of production;
  • to control official documentation;
  • engage in technological aspects (installation, adjustment and operation of working equipment), which will help solve the problems of increasing efficiency;
  • maintenance and control of existing production lines, and, if necessary, their adjustment and elimination of breakdowns;
  • improvement of production technologies.

In fact, the field of work technical staff wide enough. At the same time, there is always an opportunity to grow professionally. There is always interaction not only with technical equipment, but also with people. Modern managers have their own requirements for engineering and technical workers, namely:

  • the presence of a narrow specialization;
  • knowledge of work in the chosen industry;
  • know the market, products;
  • know domestic and foreign production technologies, be able to apply them in their field of work.

In fact, some educational institutions train staff, and young people do not have to go to universities and institutes. You can calmly finish a school or college, and once you get to work, you can continue your education, but already in absentia.

Speaking about education, it is worth saying that there are several main areas in the training of engineering and technical personnel:

  • material processing, mechanical engineering, metallurgy;
  • chemical technologies and biotechnologies;
  • study of automation and its control;
  • the sphere of construction and architecture;
  • sphere of vehicles;
  • electrical and radio engineering, communication;
  • technology in the food sector and the study of consumer goods;
  • Information Security.
  • prepare connoisseurs of materials science and technology of materials;
  • help to master the constructive and technological aspects in the provision of machine-building industries;
  • familiarize with chemical technologies;
  • train workers in power engineering;
  • train personnel for radio-electronic systems;
  • help to master the technology of transport processes;
  • teaching thermal power engineering and thermal engineering.

Institutions of lower accreditation may train specialists of a different profile, such as aircraft engine designers, or train future fashion designers who will initially receive a seamstress education.

Issues staff may face

Unfortunately, modern engineering and technical personnel are faced with problems:

  1. Salary. Decent monetary financing of labor goes mainly to the machine-building, chemical, metallurgical and petrochemical industries. But such work causes significant harm to the employee.
  2. Ignorance. Thanks to advances in technology, some graduates educational institutions When they get to production, they cannot deal with the equipment for a long time, since they did not study it.
  3. Lack of experience.

Many managers seek to recruit not only good graduates, but also experienced employees to their team.

Who are ITRs? Deciphering this term for a contemporary may cause certain difficulties.

According to the interpretation of the "Concise Economic Dictionary", under the abbreviation ITR hides a category of workers called engineering and technical. Today we are going to take a closer look at this concept.

Who are IT workers?

The main sign of belonging to the mentioned persons is the authority to manage production and organize the work process. An engineering and technical worker (ITR) belongs to this category based on the position he holds. At the same time, a particular representative may have a secondary special or higher education. For example, a technical engineer may not have a compulsory higher education.

Today, this concept has lost its official status. Now engineering workers are more of a colloquial term. According to the data of the Qualification and the Unified Classifier of Occupations, there are three categories of employees. The first is represented by managers, the second - by specialists, the third account for all the rest, referred to as other types of employees or technical executors.

In another regulatory document, called the Unified nomenclature of positions of employees (the date of approval of which is 1967), these same employees are divided into categories according to the nature of their activities, and within each of them - into groups.

What categories does the concept of ITR include

Engineering workers are all those who can be classified as managers, specialists or technical performers. The category of leaders includes those who manage both the entire organization and its individual services and divisions, as well as deputies of the latter.

ENDS specialists are classified as one of several various groups. The first group is those who are employed in jobs related to agriculture or forestry, animal husbandry, and fish farming. The second - workers in the economic or engineering and technical spheres. The third group of specialists work in the field international relations. The fourth group - workers in the sphere of art, culture, science, education, health care. Fifth - legal profile. Thus, we see that the circle of specialists is quite wide.

Technical executors are employees whose task is to account, control, prepare the necessary documentation and its execution, as well as housekeeping services. Thus, the concept of ITR is morally obsolete, the decoding of which is no longer so relevant. It has been replaced today by the concept of administrative and technical personnel (or ATP).

List of engineering positions

Development scientific and technological progress leads to a strengthening of the function of those who are commonly called engineering and technical workers. Their number relative to the total number of all categories of workers is growing, especially in such sectors as industry and construction.

Who exactly can we rank in the mentioned category without the risk of making a mistake? If we focus on the old Model list of positions based on the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR N 531 (for 1973) and approved in 1979, then we are talking about managers (except for those who are appointed to positions by higher bodies), chief (senior) specialists various names, heads of offices, industries, farms, services, branches, sections, bureaus, inspections, departments and departments, stations, offices, warehouses, workshops, storage facilities, laboratories, groups, points, sectors, sites, reserves, expeditions, bases, parks, nurseries, cameras and cash desks.

Who else is in this category?

Who else is an IT worker? The list of them is quite long. It should include the heads of agencies, airports and airfields, power plants, elevators, waterworks, boiler houses, ventilation, sewage treatment plants, depots, trains, substations, shifts, water pipes, transportation, loading and unloading operations, marinas and berths, (buildings), factories , start-up work, etc.

In addition, engineering and technical workers are those who hold the positions of heads of archives, offices, sections, managers of departments and sites, and group leaders. In addition, these are masters, foremen, foremen, etc., commanders and captains.

As for engineering and technical specialists, this abbreviation is applicable to a huge list of positions - agronomists, architects, administrators, arbitrators, biologists, accountants, auditors, doctors, surveyors and geologists, duty officers and dispatchers, engineers, cartographers and inspectors, standard setters, operators, programmers and translators, editors, estimators, sociologists, pharmacologists, merchandisers, artists, power engineers and legal advisers. This list is very extensive, and it makes no sense to give it in full in this short article.

The principle of engineering workers

For the performance of their duties, such employees receive in the form of an official salary. That is, a certain fixed amount established by the administration of the enterprise and depending on the degree of complexity, as well as the volume of the role and importance of this particular position in the work process and immediate working conditions.

The amount of the official salary is negotiated when a specialist or manager is hired and does not depend on production results company or specific department.

Evaluation of the work of engineering and technical personnel is carried out in terms of completeness, quality and volume, as well as the timely execution of their assigned duties.

Thus, the category of engineering and technical workers pay for their work has a time-based nature. Depending on the position held, one's own qualifications, the level of complexity and volume of duties performed, as well as working conditions in a particular industry, a system official salaries for all types of IT. The schemes of these salaries are developed on the basis of a number of normative documents, in particular Qualification Handbook.

Is it just a "bare" salary?

In addition to fixed salary amounts, there is a system of additional payments, allowances and various bonus payments.

Such employees are paid bonuses in connection with the growth of output and a decrease in its cost, compliance with contractual obligations, an increase in labor productivity, and savings in raw materials and fuel.

The administration of the enterprise independently determines certain indicators and conditions for bonuses. In the event of a deterioration in the quality of manufactured products or other negative factors, bonuses may not be paid.

Certain types of surcharges associated with either professions, an increase in the scope of work, or an expansion of the serviced area, are set to the salaries of engineers at the discretion of the management. They can be paid from the savings fund wages.

Can engineer salaries change?

Decisions to change official salaries in the direction of both increase and decrease are made based on the results of certification, which is mandatory for this category of workers with a certain frequency - at least once every 3 or 5 years.

With unsatisfactory results of such certification, it is possible both to cancel certain types of additional payments and allowances, and to completely dismiss the employee from his position.

On the regulation of labor engineering

The task of a competent organization of the work of employees and engineers in order to improve the structure of the administrative apparatus, optimize the use of working time and reduce costs involves rationing. Any type of work of a managerial nature can be normally organized only if there is specific information about the amount of time and the number of employees required for its implementation.

Compared with the worker, the same procedure for engineers and employees - the task is more difficult. Indeed, in this case, we are dealing with a process with a predominance of mental labor, which is not directly measurable. For example, a production engineer does not stand directly behind the machine - he directs the process. So how do you rate his work?

The main task in rationing the activities of such employees is to establish the complexity of each type of work that they perform, and the calculation of the required number of employees. Both activities are intertwined. The first of them is necessary for the successful division of labor duties and the optimal distribution of workers in accordance with qualification characteristics.

Secondly, the establishment of the numerical strength of this category of workers serves to establish the optimal proportions between individual positions, to build the management apparatus in a rational way, to plan the required staff and payroll.

Lela wrote:

But the terminology of the ITR has long been outdated. It is not used anywhere else. According to the general provisions of the EKSD: all employees are divided into workers and employees, employees, in turn, to the manager, specialists and other employees (technical performers).

Scroll: RESOLUTION OF THE MINISTRY OF LABOR AND SOCIAL PROTECTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS March 30, 2004 No. 32 On approval of the structure and General Provisions Unified qualification directory of positions of employees

1. The unified qualification directory of positions of employees (hereinafter - EKSD) is a technical regulatory legal act, the purpose of which is to create necessary conditions for the rational distribution of labor functions depending on the complexity, quantity, quality, working conditions and qualifications among managers, specialists and other employees (technical performers) 1, ensuring unity in determining their job duties and qualification requirements for them.

The structure of each issue of EKSD is unified and built in accordance with the classification of employees by category established by OKPD: managers, specialists and other employees (technical performers), who are assigned job category codes in OKPD - 1, 2 and 3, respectively.
The assignment of positions of employees to categories is carried out depending on the nature of the work performed, constituting the content of their work (organizational-administrative, analytical-constructive, information-technical).

5. Category leaders include persons who, within the framework of certain powers, organize, direct, coordinate and control the activities of the organization, relevant structural divisions, workers.

6. Category specialists include persons with special knowledge, skills, abilities and experience in a particular type professional activity who have received a specialty in higher (specialists of the highest qualification level) or secondary specialized (specialists of an average qualification level) education, confirmed by the types of documents established by law.

8. Category other employees (technical performers) include persons performing regulated, periodically recurring work related to the activities of the relevant structural unit, under the control of the immediate supervisor, specialist.

The qualification requirements for the positions of other employees provide that they have vocational education or general secondary education, special training, including according to an established program without presenting requirements for work experience (agent, secretary, freight forwarder, etc.).

Engineering staff are employees involved in the organization technological process. Read about what kind of work they do, what positions they hold, how they are paid

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ITR - decoding of the abbreviation and list of positions

The generally accepted abbreviation "ITR" stands for "engineering and technical workers." Engineering staff are employees involved in the organization of the technological process and direct management in production. In other words, these are people who are able to effectively solve certain business problems.

What is the difference between engineering and technical workers from ordinary ones? In the very approach to technology. For an ordinary turner, for example, his machine is a tool with which he produces parts. And for the engineer who created this machine, it is the subject of labor.

In 2018, the personnel structure is described in accordance with the Qualification Handbook of Jobs and Professions, as well as the Unified Classification of Occupations. They do not use the term "ITR" as an official term. However, it is still found in current regulations, helping to correctly assess official duties employees and their role in the enterprise.

Let's make a logical conclusion - most likely, engineering and technical workers have a higher or secondary technical education, and they also have high professionalism.

It is clear that in each area of ​​production, this area will include its own list of professions. It is the position that gives the authority to manage and lead, to make decisions is important.

We list the areas in which engineers are needed: metallurgy, transport; medical, nano- and biotechnologies; urban planning, IT and security.

The requirements for such workers are quite high. They need, in addition to skills and abilities in their specialty:

  • Know the requirements of federal laws and regulations in their area of ​​work.
  • Have a good understanding of the Russian and global picture of the development of their field, new technologies, sales markets, etc.
  • Have excellent communication skills.

Engineering and technical personnel in construction, for example, are foremen, site supervisors, foremen, technical engineers, inspectors, foremen. That is, everyone who manages, organizes the work and supply of materials, controls labor protection, and compares drawings.

How are engineers paid?

Since the concept of "ITR" is currently not regulated by law, then the remuneration of such personnel is made without any special differences from other employees. However, there are certain nuances that are important to be aware of.

The basis of the wages of engineers is the official salary. It is discussed before hiring, fixed in employment contract. Salary is not related to economic efficiency the enterprise as a whole depends on the time worked by the employee, his qualifications, conditions at the workplace and responsibilities.

In most industries, salary systems have been developed and are being applied for employees classified as engineers.

In addition to the salary, a system of allowances, additional payments and bonuses is applied. It is developed by the employer and is directly related to the result of the employee's work. So, payments can be provided for increasing productivity, saving materials. Similarly, management has the right to provide for the absence of bonuses if a unit or the entire enterprise does not perform the desired performance.

The salaries of engineering and technical personnel are reviewed based on the results of their certification. It is held regularly, at least once every three to five years. Employees in some areas are required to undergo certification (for example, employees railways and aviation, employees working with sources of ionizing radiation, teachers, etc.). Even if the certification requirement is not prescribed by law for this area, the employer has the right to fix this in the local normative act- “Regulations on certification of personnel”.

  • They are engaged in the installation, adjustment and operation of working equipment. Solve problems of increasing its efficiency.
  • Control and monitor production lines, adjusting and repairing them.
  • Improve production technology.
  • Monitor compliance with safety regulations in the production process.

Read also:

  • Service staff: a memo to a recruiter for competent selection
  • Application for recruitment: when is it better to contact specialists
  • Search and selection of personnel: methods, technologies and systems

Each engineer in a leadership position, in addition to management functions, must:

  • Lead the team by example of compliance labor discipline and requirements in the field of labor protection.
  • Comply with the rules of the system of safety standards adopted in the workplace and require the same from personnel.

IT-workers are ... decoding of the abbreviation, list of positions

  • Chief Researcher
  • Leading Researcher
  • Senior Researcher
  • Researcher
  • Junior Research Fellow
  • Head of Postgraduate Studies
  • Head (head) of the standardization department
  • Head (Head) of the Department of Scientific and Technical Information
  • Head (Head) of the Planning and Economic Department
  • Head (Head) of the Human Resources Department
  • Head of technical archive
  • Photo lab manager
  • Lead Engineer
  • Lead Economist
  • Engineer
  • Economist
  • Translator
  • Artist
  • Technician
  • laboratory assistant

Who belongs to aup, and who belongs to itr? for example, a foreman in a workshop?


Naturally, this is not an exhaustive list of persons related to technical and managerial personnel. Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the distribution of employees by categories of personnel should be carried out in accordance with OKPDTR and UNDS. As for the term "administrative and managerial personnel "(AUP), then it was used during the period of organizing and conducting a one-time accounting of the number and distribution of persons working in their positions as of September 15, 1990 (directive letter of the Goskomstat of the RSFSR dated July 17, 1990 No. 6-7-107). In order to carry out this accounting, on 06/03/1988 the USSR State Committee for Labor, the USSR State Statistics Committee and the USSR Ministry of Finance approved the Nomenclature of Positions for Management Personnel of Enterprises, Institutions and Organizations for the development of accounting forms for this personnel. At present, the State Statistics Committee of Russia does not use this Nomenclature.

Engineering and technical worker (ITR): requirements for the candidate

If an employee is absent due to illness or vacation, his duties are performed by a person appointed by management who has received the necessary qualifications and knows all the rules of the company. This employee must work according to a clear plan, certified by senior management. In addition, he must submit monthly progress reports to the manager to whom he reports directly.

Knowledge Engineering staff are employees who must have a certain amount of knowledge. Employees are required to clearly know and comply with all the rules and charter of the organization, how production is controlled, with the identification of violations of industrial safety at the facility. The knowledge of the employee must include all federal laws, norms and rules.

He must know how all equipment is used in production, as well as its operating modes, performance properties, and so on.

What is itr? engineering and technical worker: list of positions


This qualification directory of positions has been supplemented with new qualification characteristics of the positions of employees whose functions and duties are related to the formation and development of market economic relations. For example, they include qualification characteristics positions of an auditor, auctioneer, broker, dealer, manager, appraiser, marketing specialist, etc. The document is presented with the changes that were made: .2001, N 38 of 05/31/2002, N 44 of 06/20/2002, N 59 of 07/28/2003, N 75 of 11/12/2003; N 605 of 09/17/2007, N 200 of 04/29/2008.

Note. This handbook is the first release of the unified qualification handbook for the positions of managers, specialists and other employees (CEN).

The technical worker is


The schemes of these salaries have been developed on the basis of a number of regulatory documents, in particular the Qualification Handbook. Is it only a “bare” salary? In addition to fixed salary amounts, there is a system of additional payments, allowances and various bonus payments. Such employees are paid bonuses in connection with the growth of output and a decrease in its cost, compliance with contractual obligations, an increase in labor productivity, and savings in raw materials and fuel.

The administration of the enterprise independently determines certain indicators and conditions for bonuses. In the event of a deterioration in the quality of manufactured products or other negative factors, bonuses may not be paid. Certain types of bonuses related to the combination of positions or professions, an increase in the scope of work or the expansion of the service area, are set to the salaries of engineers at the discretion of the management.

5. categories of personnel

The performed analysis does not yet provide answers to the questions posed. Therefore, we turn to OKPDTR. It consists of two sections: professions of workers and positions of employees. The second section of the OKPDTR (positions of employees) was developed on the basis of the Unified nomenclature of positions of employees, the Qualification Directory for the positions of managers, specialists and other employees, current regulatory legal acts and other regulatory documents on wages with taking into account the names of positions used in the economy. The category of employees in OKPDTR is represented by: 1) managers; 2) specialists; 3) other employees. However, referring to this document also does not allow you to get answers to the questions posed. Therefore, we will try to find them in the Unified nomenclature of positions of employees (UNDS), approved back in 1967 by the USSR State Labor Committee (Decree No. 443 of September 9, 1967).

IT workers - who are they? the nature of the functions of a specialist and the scope of his activities

A.V. Solovyov, Deputy Head of the Department for Regulation and Labor Productivity of the Department of Remuneration, Regulation and Labor Productivity of the Ministry of Labor of Russia Volkova, Mr. Syzran, Samara region Recently, a controversial question has arisen, who do we still refer to as "administrative and managerial personnel"? Directors, heads of workshops and sections, foremen - this is understandable. And what about specialists (economists, accountants, engineers), other employees (secretaries, cashiers, etc.)? To be honest, what kind of managers are they? Maybe you can tell me and advise something interesting? M.
Dove, Mr.
At the same time, it is necessary to remember the prohibition of discrimination in the sphere of labor and the need for equal pay for work of equal value (Articles 3, 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). To distribute positions within structural units, you can also use the recommendations for determining the number of, for example, employees personnel service. In a relationship budget institutions the distribution of positions within the structural divisions also occurs at the decision of the management, but subject to a number of restrictions. So, in federal government agencies, the distribution of posts by departments takes into account the maximum approved number of employees and the budget of the institution (see, for example, clause 10.5 of the Regulation approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 2004 No. 395, clause 9.5 of the Regulation approved by resolution Government of the Russian Federation dated May 28, 2008 No. 400).

Positions related to engineering and technical personnel

So, the category of "leaders" in accordance with the said resolution includes the following positions: 1) heads: a storage room, an archive, a pass office, a copying and copying office, a photo laboratory, a household, an expedition, an office, a typewriting bureau, a warehouse; 2) a site foreman (including the senior); 3) heads of: department, section (shift), workshop; 4) chief specialist; 5) head of the organization. The category "technical executor" includes: duty pass office, copyist, contractor, timekeeper, accountant, freight forwarder, agent, clerk, secretary, secretary-typist, accountant, draftsman, cashier (including senior), typist, freight forwarder, collector (including senior), secretary-stenographer, statistician, others. The emphasis on these two categories is not accidental.
Probably the most important function of such an employee is the development of new, more efficient technological and production processes and measures for their implementation. These professionals develop and establish a work plan, determining the sequence of actions that will help achieve the desired results. In addition, specialists are developing new methods for monitoring the conformity of the quality of work or products, filling out technical documentation.
The work of engineers includes ensuring the smooth operation of production. They develop and implement new technologies, monitor the condition and serviceability of equipment in production, and are engaged in its adjustment and maintenance. Labor rationing Many production issues directly depend on the process of rationing the work of employees.