How to open the production of drinking water. Drinking water delivery business - how to start, what to consider? How to start a drinking water delivery business

The competition in this market is very high. Today, almost all medium and large offices already use the water delivery service. It turns out that a newcomer to this business will have to, in the literal sense, poach customers. And to do this is not at all easy. Many companies will say that they already work with water suppliers and are satisfied with everything. A simple price reduction will not solve the problem: prices are not high anyway, and hardly anyone wants to work at a loss.

Market players note the following main success criteria in this case:

  1. Convenience of the order. The company must accept orders not only by phone, but also by SMS, through the website, in in social networks etc.
  2. Delivery time is very important. You can not force the client to wait for water for hours. The most correct format of work is to control the remaining water and replenish it in a timely manner.
  3. Quality of service - friendliness, courtesy, accuracy of delivery, clean cars, gloves and shoe covers.
  4. No problems with documentation - timely submit accounting documents, water certificates and quality analysis results.

Organizational moments

You should start by looking for a good supplier who can offer you quality water and low wholesale prices. The best option is to become a dealer of a local manufacturer. In this case, you can count on a dealer discount and additional privileges in the region. Approximate purchase prices for a 19-liter container are 70 - 90 rubles. (2015)

Then, if the provider is found, you need to register individual entrepreneurship. Registration of an individual entrepreneur will cost 800 rubles of state duty. The receipt of payment of the state duty, the application for registration and a copy of the passport are submitted to the local tax service. In 5 working days you are already a businessman. As a taxation system, you can use the simplified tax system - this greatly simplifies accounting (a company can work even without an accountant). The most suitable OKVED for water delivery: 52.61 " Retail on orders."

You can not do without an office space where your dispatchers will take orders, and a warehouse for water. It is convenient if the office space is located in the same place as the warehouse. The size of the office space can be no more than 20 square meters. m. This space is enough to accommodate 2-3 operators. But the warehouse should be more. Bottled water is a fairly large product. With the growth of the client base, the need for additional space will only increase (this is partly solved by installing shelving). In order not to move from place to place, you need to think about this moment in advance.

Now it is necessary to decide on the personnel of the firm. You will need a dispatch operator to take orders, a customer acquisition manager, a warehouse worker and couriers to deliver water. Immediately you need to resolve the issue of transport for delivery. You will either have to buy a car or hire couriers with personal vehicles. There is one important point: the car must be with a spacious van, since most often you will have to transport up to 50 nineteen-liter bottles that will not fit in a standard passenger car.

Yield figures

An average office of 10 people drinks a 19-liter bottle of water (for tea, coffee) in 1.5 working days. In a month, such an office needs 15 bottles of 19 liters. The price of a bottle is 170 rubles, hence the revenue is 2550 rubles. The client base of 100 such offices will bring 255,000 rubles. From this sum we subtract:

  • Material costs (purchase of water) - 50%
  • Delivery and courier costs – 10%
  • Advertising - 3%
  • Taxes and other expenses - 5%

The total costs will amount to 68% or 173,400 rubles. Net profit - 81,600 rubles.
We took as an example only small offices. Large companies consume much more water. If you find several companies with more than 100 employees, then the income will be much higher.

You can also consider this: one person spends about 30 liters. drinking water per month. A company of 200 people will need up to 6,000 liters per month. With an average price of 9 rubles / l. monthly revenue from such a client will be 54,000 rubles.


If you organize your own water bottling line (full cycle), and not engage in repurchase, then the business will be the most profitable. Although this will require additional financial investments, but in this way we can offer customers a lower price without losing earnings. And this is an important competitive advantage.

To launch your own bottling line, you will need a separate room (rent), a well and equipment for water production, a water purification and disinfection system, and a line for bottling water into containers. Capital investments will amount to at least $50 thousand. Only one automatic line for bottling drinking water in 19l bottles will cost $15 thousand. You will also need to recruit personnel (including a technologist), obtain a declaration of conformity for products, etc. you will already have an established customer base, then the sale of products is guaranteed. And this is the most important thing for a new enterprise.

  • 3. Conclusion

Among the millions ways of earning one of the easiest and most profitable - drinking water delivery. The water selling business appeared not so long ago in Russia, so the competition is not too tough.

1. Water Delivery Business - Where to Start

First, let's find out how relevant the drinking water business is.

Every person needs to drink. If in the private sector we solve the issue of drinking water, say, by opening our own well in the yard, then residents of large cities are forced to pay for clean water.

And if there is a demand - organize an offer!

2. What You Need to Start a Drinking Water Business - 3 Easy Steps

Step #1. First, decide on the supplier and the lease of storage space.

Step #2. Calculate the possible volumes to understand how large areas you need.

Step #3. No licenses are required, but you should still make sure that the water supplier has all the necessary paperwork, including from the SES, to guarantee the quality of the water.

But how to organize a business for the delivery of clean drinking water, if at first there is not enough budget for renting a warehouse, etc.?

In this case, you can start with small volumes and start with delivery to offices:

  1. Spread ads with your phone number,
  2. Go around several large office companies,
  3. Offer your services.

So you can save on the office, which you can do without for small sales.

3. Conclusion

Now you know the basic principles of the drinking water sale/delivery business.

Of the additional conditions for starting a new business, you will need to resolve the issue of purchasing returnable packaging from a supplier.

In the future, it will be possible to simply change the bottles to full ones, paying only the cost of the water itself.

minimum investment and high profitability- two main advantages of business on the water!

♦ Capital investments – 425,000 rubles.
♦ Payback – 7–10 months.

Real businessmen can do business out of anything, even out of thin air.

If you dream of joining the ranks of entrepreneurs, but you can’t decide what kind of activity to do, think about what people always and everywhere need?

These are food and, of course, water.

business on the water- easy to start, does not require large capital investments and quickly pays off.

The specifics of business on the water

In an unstable economic situation, it is quite difficult to find a business that would bring good money no matter what.

The business of selling drinking water just belongs to such types of entrepreneurial activity.

Today, companies supplying bottled water are experiencing a kind of boom, and experts predict that this trend will continue in the near future.

If you decide to join those who do business on the water, it will not be superfluous to learn about the features of this business sector:

  1. The business, based on the production, bottling and delivery of drinking water, is recognized as one of the fastest growing.
    Only for Last year its share in Russia increased by more than 40%.
  2. On average, one office employee consumes half a liter of water per day and about 10 liters per year.
    Just imagine how much money you can make if you develop a wide customer base.
  3. The prices for drinking water and gasoline are not too different, but it is much easier to set up a water bottling company than an oil refinery.

Two business options on the water

If you want to do business on the water, you must decide what exactly your company will do, because there are two options for this type of entrepreneurial activity:
  1. A plant that extracts water from a well, pours it into glass or plastic containers and delivers it to end customers.
  2. Company for bottling and selling "foreign" water.

The first option is more expensive in terms of money and requires a lot of time to start, because you will need special equipment, qualified personnel, machinery, factory premises, the need to pay for expensive laboratory tests, and also special permits for extracting water from sources.

In addition, today it is quite difficult to find a free source of mineral or table water, which would not already be occupied by more efficient competitors.

If you do not have too much money, then it is better to start selling drinking water by concluding an appropriate agreement with the manufacturer.

This business can be done even by businessmen who do not have a large amount for start-up capital.

What should be the water to do business on it?

It doesn't take much effort to do something, much more is required to decide WHAT to do.
Elbert Hubbard

The business of selling bottled water is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

Only water that complies with state standards is considered bottled, it is packed in hygienic containers and can be used by a person for drinking or cooking.

You can't just get tap water, bottle it up, and start delivering it to offices.

Wanting to save money, you will simply lose customers and destroy your business in the bud.

Drinking water should not contain more than 1% of various artificial additives (for example, flavors or essences).

If any of your clients spend chemical analysis drinking water supplied by you and finds out that it does not comply with GOST, then the least that can happen to you is the loss of a client, although everything can end up much worse, for example, by opening a criminal case against you on the fact of fraud.

The sale of drinking water cannot be carried out until you conclude an agreement with the manufacturer (a company that extracts water from wells) or purchase equipment that can completely purify water from harmful additives.

The first option is easier and cheaper for beginner businessmen.

Business on the water: advertising and customer search

The water selling business, like any other, needs good advertising, because the number of your customers depends on it, and, accordingly, the amount of profit.
  1. In mass media.
  2. With help outdoor advertising in high traffic areas.
  3. Distribution of flyers and business cards.
  4. In social networks and on the Internet forum of your city.

Since the main customers of companies selling drinking water are offices, a good publicity stunt would be to go around the office premises of your city with an offer to conclude an agreement with you for the supply of bottled water.

If you manage to get a few large customers who are satisfied with the quality of the water you supply, then word of mouth will advertise your water business in the future.

Calendar plan for starting a business on the water

It doesn't take long for you to start selling bottled drinking water.

Of course, you have to carry out the traditional stages of opening a business (registration, search for premises, purchase of equipment, hiring staff, advertising campaign etc.), but all this will not take more than 3-4 months with the right approach.

Contract with the manufacturer
Warehouse rent
Purchase of equipment and transport
Starting a business


You will not be able to conclude a formal contract with a drinking water producer until you legally register your business.

You can choose one of two forms (IP or LLC).

Both forms have both advantages and disadvantages.

The most acceptable form of taxation is UTII.

In addition, you will have to officially employ your employees (you will not be able to do business on the water on your own) and register a cash register.


Companies that deliver bottled water do not need luxurious offices, since you will communicate with customers mainly by phone, but what you definitely need to worry about is a warehouse with an area of ​​​​at least 60 square meters.

It must be heated (the air temperature should not fall below +5 degrees) and air-conditioned (if the water is stored at a temperature higher than +20 degrees, then you risk dissatisfying customers by supplying them with warm water).

The location of your warehouse does not play a big role, the main thing is that it is not too far from your customers, otherwise you will incur high gas costs.

Its size depends on how many liters of water you are going to store in the warehouse and what volumes of supplies you are targeting.

You can negotiate with customers and accept applications directly from the warehouse by purchasing a minimum set of furniture and a telephone.


In fact, the only thing you will have to spend a large amount on is the transport with which you will deliver drinking water.

If you are just starting to promote your business on the water, then it is quite enough to purchase one used "gazelle" for 300,000 rubles.

There is no need to equip a warehouse - bottles of water can be stored directly on the floor.

In addition to transport costs, there are some other equipment costs to expect:

Item of expensesQtyCost (in rubles)Total amount (in rubles)
Total: 100 000 rub.
Cash machine
1 20 000 20
Telephone set
1 1 5000 1 5000
Mobile phone
1 5 000 5 000
1 4 000 4 000
3 2 000 6 000
Empty 20 l bottles

300 200 60 000
other 3 500


Many entrepreneurs, wanting to save money, want to do business on the water on their own (without assistants) or with only one assistant.

This is the wrong move.

Even at the initial stage, you should hire at least two team members: a driver and a forwarder.

You yourself will be able to take on administrative duties, taking orders, communicating with customers, bookkeeping.

In this case, the monthly cost of staff salaries will be as follows:

If your business starts to expand and you find that your employees cannot keep up with such a volume of orders for the delivery of drinking water, then you will have to purchase another car and hire another team consisting of a forwarder and a driver.

How much does it cost to open a business on the water?

The water selling business is not one of those start-ups that require a huge amount of money to start.

In fact, the biggest expense you have to incur is the purchase of a "gazelle" to deliver bottled water to homes and offices.

If you have such a car, then it is quite realistic to start doing business on the water, having only 100–125,000 rubles. starting capital.

If you don’t have a suitable car, then the amount of capital investment increases by another 300,000 rubles.

Do not forget about the mandatory monthly expenses that entrepreneurs who decide to do business on the water expect.

Their amount will fluctuate at the level of 60,000 rubles:

How promising is the water business and how much can you earn on it,

see also in the video:

How much can you earn doing business on the water?

Experts estimate the profitability of the drinking water business at 15–25%. The purchase price of 1 liter of water is 2 rubles, but the selling price is 6-8 rubles.

That is, you buy a 20-liter bottle from the manufacturer for 40 rubles, and sell (let's take the average figures) for 140 rubles.

Let's say that you deliver 50 bottles a day and earn 7,000 rubles.

Your bottled water company operates with one day off a week, which means that in a month (given that you will have an average of 25 working days) you will earn 175,000 rubles.

Naturally, this is a "dirty" profit, because from this amount we need to subtract 50,000 rubles (the purchase price of water) and 60,000 rubles - the amount of expenses for servicing your business.

That is, net profit you are left with 65,000 rubles.

The amount of our capital investment (including the purchase of a car) was 425,000 rubles.

Earning 65,000 rubles a month, we can make our water business self-sustaining in 7-8 months if we do not spend too much time building a client base.

As you can see business on the water- a fairly cost-effective business that does not require any special knowledge or purchase complex equipment, no big investment.

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Against the backdrop of deteriorating environmental conditions, water delivery as a business looks promising. Let us consider in detail and figures whether it is profitable for novice entrepreneurs to do this and what is needed to organize a full-fledged project.

This direction is considered not only profitable, but also useful. After all, each person needs to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water every day. By counting the number of inhabitants of your city, you can guess how promising this idea is. But in order to implement it and make money on it, you will need to take into account many nuances and correctly approach the organization process.

Business Features

The relevance of the extraction, purification and delivery of drinking water in most cities is confirmed by the general deterioration of the environment, the poor quality of water resources and their lack to meet the needs of the population. The same water that is supplied by local water supply systems leaves much to be desired, and sometimes does not even meet the minimum sanitary standards. It is not recommended to consume such liquid in food.

Therefore, more and more urban residents are switching to bottled water, ordering its delivery directly to their homes, offices, restaurants and other establishments. In addition, doctors and nutritionists are increasingly talking about the benefits of fluids and the need to consume at least 1.5 liters of pure water daily. This also contributes to the growth of demand, which is beneficial for a budding entrepreneur.

But it should be noted that it will not be possible to do without investments at all, and you also need to think over a business plan in detail and draw up a competent project development strategy. You will have to deal with paperwork, find suppliers and clients in enough so that the initial investment pays off as soon as possible. For this, many nuances should be taken into account.

It is very important to pay attention to the quality of the delivered product. After all, bottling purified tap water will not be the best option for doing business. Clients will not cooperate with you only at the expense of low prices and beautiful labels.

And in the presence of competition among suppliers, it will be necessary to stand out and offer a more unique and useful product. It will be most valuable if you can find a source of natural and mineral-rich water. In extreme cases, you need to invest in special cleaning equipment.

To succeed in this direction, experienced businessmen recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • Offer only quality products.
  • Always strictly adhere to the delivery schedule and the time set by the client.
  • Carefully consider logistics in order to save on transport costs as much as possible and not lose the money earned.

Main advantage this business- the constant need of people for water. It is ordered to homes and offices throughout the year, and even twice as much in summer when it is hot outside. Having successfully built a delivery system and established all processes, you can count on constant profit, and with additional efforts, on the growth and development of business within the selected region.

Ways to work

You can start a project through different types of activities, which implies significant differences in costs and in the process of organizing a business. Decide on what exactly your company will be built on:

  1. A full production cycle - in which you need to find a good place, drill a deep well and extract water. But first, before implementation, it will be necessary to carry out cleaning work using special devices. Such a project will require large investments and the execution of many permits.
  2. Dealership - that is, a water delivery business as an official representative of a major manufacturer. To do this, only trusted and reputable companies are selected for cooperation, with which it is desirable to conclude a mutually beneficial agreement for a long period of time. Often such firms offer some bonuses or discounts for active distributors.
  3. Franchise work - just choose a company with which you will work and carefully study their conditions. By paying these fees, you get not only a fully developed system and high-quality finished product for implementation, but also help in marketing strategy, construction and development of a network in the region.

In what format to open your business and what to focus on initially is up to you, as an entrepreneur. For example, if you want to start your own business, but there are not enough large investments for this, then gradual development will be a better solution. You can start by being a dealer in remote and unoccupied regions, and over time, when making a profit, expand your business or even drill your own well.

Required Documentation

If we consider a simple way to make money on the delivery of water from other companies, then there is almost no need to draw up special papers. It is enough to register as individual entrepreneur(IP) or legal entity(LLC) and get registered with the statistical authorities. The form of taxation in this case can be simplified (USN), which makes it possible to pay lower taxes.

Indicate the OKVED code 36, which refers to the activity of abstraction, treatment or distribution of water. But if you want to offer customers any Additional services, then it is necessary to expand the list according to the chosen directions.

If you are only engaged in the distribution and sale of water, then no special documents are needed anymore. Only when renting a space for a warehouse, pass the inspection of sanitary and epidemiological control and obtain the appropriate permit. And when purchasing a batch of goods from a company with which you cooperate, check the water quality certificates every time.

Things are a little different when drilling your own well. First, you need a special permit for such activities from the city administration. Secondly, you will personally have to deal with checking and purifying water, as well as seeking to obtain a hygienic conclusion about its chemical composition, safety and availability to eat.

Another document is a sales license, which is issued for only three years, so you need to go through the licensing process in a timely manner every time.

If at this stage there are any difficulties, it is better to pay specialists and use the services of law firms. They will take care of all the bureaucratic issues and significantly reduce the time required to obtain the required permits.

Norms for drinking water

According to the law, only water with the following parameters can be used for sale:

  • the level of general mineralization in the range of 50-150 mg/l;
  • meets food standards;
  • the liquid has been purified, after which the amount of artificial substances in the composition does not exceed 1%;
  • softened, without impurities of chlorine and iron;
  • can be additionally saturated with useful minerals and trace elements;
  • disinfection was carried out using UV installations;
  • poured into containers with a volume of not more than 18.9 liters;
  • storage periods should not exceed 3-6 months.


In order to carry out activities for the delivery of water, it is enough to rent or own a warehouse for products, a small office and a garage or parking lot for vehicles. All this can be in one place or in different parts of the city.

The exact location and choice of the area in this case does not matter. But note that when drawing up future routes for delivery, it is desirable that the warehouse be located near the majority of customers. Therefore, if you find inexpensive premises somewhere in the central part of the city, this will be an advantage.

To store water and bottles, 20 square meters is enough. m. Remember that here you need to arrange everything in such a way that SES and SPI have no complaints and issue permits for the sale of water the first time.

Think about the right conditions, as the product will have to be protected from direct sunlight, and the temperature in the room should be kept within +5 ... +20 degrees at any time of the year. An office for a dispatcher is not at all mandatory, since you can take orders by phone at home or even “on the go”.

Equipment and transport

To equip the office, you will need to purchase not only furniture for staff and office equipment, but also install a good telephone line or a complete PBX. If you buy a computer or laptop and connect them to the Internet, you can increase the number of customers served by accepting online applications.

To make the delivery of water, you will have to purchase some kind of transport. Some opt for the domestic Gazelle, which makes it possible to significantly save on the purchase and maintenance of the car. It is quite roomy, has a good carrying capacity.

But more experienced entrepreneurs are advised to do otherwise - to buy a small-tonnage foreign truck that will last several years longer and require less cost for periodic repairs. With the same volume and endurance, such transport will be more economical with intensive use.

In addition, you need to take care of the container for water. After calculating the estimated number of customers, multiply the figure by three to get the exact number of canisters required. So, one copy is at the customer's place, the second, filled with water, is in the warehouse, and the third is sent empty to the supplier for a new batch of goods.

Some companies offer free coolers with a long-term contract to successfully expand their customer base. Therefore, in addition to the water itself, you can stock up on a number of such devices to provide them to customers, and you should also have parts from them that periodically require replacement in order to perform related maintenance.

If you are going to make a well for the extraction of water, then you will have to equip a plant for its purification with the appropriate equipment. This will require much larger capital investments, but they will quickly pay off, especially if there are no competitors in the region for the extraction of water from natural sources.


You can open a delivery company yourself. But in order to perform all the functions and serve customers in a timely manner, assistants will be required. So, for small amounts of work, it is enough to have in the state:

  1. A dispatcher who takes orders in the office or at home and makes the best route according to the established schedule.
  2. Forwarding drivers delivering water to customers on time; it is desirable that there be two of them, although the number of employees depends on the scale of the business, the size of the city and the client base.
  3. Sales manager - this function can be performed by the owner himself, searching for customers and drawing up long-term contracts, although a professional in this field will cope with this much faster, which will help to significantly increase the turnover of the company.

Marketing strategy

Decide who exactly will be your client. It is best to do this before the project organization begins. So, today the main customers are:

  • Individuals who wish to have access to clean drinking water at home for daily needs. On average, a family of two adults and one child consumes 40-50 liters per week. But in order to reach payback, you will have to find about 100-130 people who agree to conclude an agreement with you.
  • Offices and various government agencies– are considered the main regular customers. Having concluded an agreement with the owners or managers for the implementation, you can not worry about constant income.
  • Sports facilities, fitness clubs - thanks to the fashion for healthy lifestyle of life are increasingly paying attention to the availability of clean water in their establishment.
  • It is possible to install special filling machines in any shopping malls, entertainment facilities and places of large congestion of people. This variety can be used as a separate line of business.

To get regular customers It is desirable to make systematic advertising. To do this, use the available resources:

  1. Create a website where you can place an order for water delivery using a simple form.
  2. Print and distribute leaflets, business cards, place advertising posters and announcements around the city, at entrances, bus stops, etc.
  3. Use public transport to inform the public about your services.
  4. You can also place a list of services and a phone number for orders on your own car.

But don't wait for the first customers to contact you on their own. Efforts will be required to develop the business more actively. So, if you establish personal contacts with the owners of offices and various institutions, then you can short time conclude long-term contracts and significantly expand the client base in the first months of work.

To increase the profitability of the project, you can deal not only with the delivery of water, but also offer related services. For example, installation, sale, rental and maintenance of coolers, sale of related products (tea, coffee), etc.

Here you can download for free as a sample.

Financial questions

Depending on the form of activity chosen, the initial investment will be different. It is one thing to become a dealer of a large network and get by with a minimum number of people hired. It is quite another thing to start drilling your own well and pass the necessary certification for the sale of water in the territory of a large region. We will indicate the prices for organizing a simple business option.

Capital investment Price, in rubles
1 Company registration 20 000
2 Transport 550 000
3 The first batch of goods and packaging 170 000
4 Other 50 000
Total: 790 000

Remember that every month a certain amount of money will be spent on current expenses.

To understand how quickly you can return your initial investment, you need to calculate the average profits. If you act as a dealer, then you can sell goods at a markup of 75% or more. Experienced entrepreneurs say that in a year of work you can reach an income of 2,200,000 rubles. Therefore, after 12-13 months, all investments will fully pay off.

Video: water delivery business.